Family Tree History for Greg & Linda Hooper

Frederick William LauferAge: 21 years18951917

Frederick William Laufer
Given names
Frederick William
Birth 6 July 1895 24
Birth of a sisterCatherine Laufer
15 January 1899 (Age 3 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherChristiana Friederike Wieland
28 September 1916 (Age 21 years)
Death 10 May 1917 (Age 21 years)
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MILITARY: He is not listed in the Queensland Roll of Honour for World War 1 He was a seaman and died during WW1.
Frederick's first ship was the "R.M.S. Orvieto" of the Orient Line, w hich he must have joined in Brisbane as a very young man, when she was o n one of her early visits. The Orvieto's maiden voyage began from Londo n on November 26th 1909, the beginning of four years of service on the m ail run to Brisbane, and service as a passenger cruiser. In 1914 she rea ched Australia soon after the start of the First World War and was immed iately requisitioned by the Australian Government as a troopship to carr y troops to Egypt. Soon after her arrival in London, she was requisition ed by the Brirish Admiralty and fitted out as an armed merchant cruiser . The Orvieto survived the war and resumed her trips to Australia.
See also website
At some time during the War, Frederick transfered to the armed merchan t vessel "HMS Tithonus". On the 10th of May 1917, Frederick died of a n unknown illness. He was a "Trimmer" on the Tithonus shovelling coal f or the boilers, an unhealthy job. (The Tithonus was sunk in March 1918.)

There is a headstone in the Pioneer Cemetery in Townsville where he is a pparently buried

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