Family Tree History for Greg & Linda Hooper

James Friedrich Buckley1897

James Friedrich Buckley
Given names
James Friedrich
Birth 12 March 1897 29
Death of a maternal grandmotherChristiana Friederike Wieland
28 September 1916 (Age 19 years)
Death of a motherChristina Elizabeth Laufer
1959 (Age 61 years)

Shared note

James (Jim) was on active service in Europe during World War 1. H e was blind as result.
His wife left him and he lived alone at Chelmer (in Brisbane). He coul d find his way around the house.
He was a masseur.

Information from Ethel G. Schafer, who, with her husband, F. H. (Hal) Sc hafer, visited him at Chelmer.