Family Tree History for Greg & Linda Hooper

Caspar SchaferAge: 82 years18221904

Caspar Schafer
Given names
Birth 31 January 1822 44 35
Christening 3 February 1822 (Age 3 days)



Birth of a sisterAnna Gertraude Schafer
1825 (Age 2 years)
MarriageElisabeth MengelView this family
15 May 1851 (Age 29 years)
Death of a fatherJohann Daniel Schafer
17 May 1851 (Age 29 years)
Death of a motherMartha Elisabeth Finger
17 May 1852 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Anna Gertraude Schafer
12 January 1853 (Age 30 years)

Christening of a daughterAnna Gertraude Schafer
23 January 1853 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Anna Maria Schafer
31 July 1855 (Age 33 years)
Death of a daughterAnna Maria Schafer
25 October 1857 (Age 35 years)
Burial of a daughterAnna Maria Schafer
28 October 1857 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a son
Jakob Schaffer
30 July 1858 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a daughter
Anna Maria Schafer
28 February 1861 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Schafer
13 May 1866 (Age 44 years)
Birth of a son
John Schafer
9 May 1869 (Age 47 years)
Marriage of a childAnna Gertraude SchaferView this family
10 April 1870 (Age 48 years)
Birth of a daughter
Anna Elizabeth Schafer
20 June 1871 (Age 49 years)
Marriage of a childAnna Maria SchaferView this family
3 June 1879 (Age 57 years)
Death of a daughterAnna Gertraude Schafer
4 February 1883 (Age 61 years)
Cause: Fever succeeding Infastes
Burial of a daughterAnna Gertraude Schafer
5 February 1883 (Age 61 years)
Death of a daughterAnna Maria Schafer
20 February 1883 (Age 61 years)
Cause: Measles
Marriage of a childJakob SchafferView this family
13 June 1884 (Age 62 years)
Marriage of a childAnna Elizabeth SchaferView this family
15 June 1898 (Age 76 years)
Marriage of a childElizabeth SchaferView this family
29 June 1900 (Age 78 years)
Death 8 December 1904 (Age 82 years)
Cause of death: Nephritis Enlargement of the Prostata Glans, Paralysis of muscles of th e bladder
Burial 9 December 1904 (1 day after death)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 27 October 1811Roddenau, Frankenberg, Ger
2 months
elder brother
4 years
elder brother
4 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
4 years
4 years
younger sister
Family with Elisabeth Mengel - View this family
Marriage: 15 May 1851Frankenberg, Ger
20 months
3 years
Anna Maria Schafer
Birth: 31 July 1855 33 22Roddenau, Frankenberg, Hessen, Ger
Death: 25 October 1857Roddenau, Frankenberg, Hessen, Ger
3 years
3 years
3 years
2 years


"La Rochelle" passenger list obtained from the Shipping Company's r ecords.

Shared note

BIRTH: Caspar was born in Roddenau, Germany at 4 am on 31 Jan 1822 . He was named "Caspar" after his godfather, Caspar Hofmann, who wa s a cousin of his mother.

Caspar married Elisabeth Mengel on 15 May 1851 at the Public Register, T own Hall, Frankenberg, Germany. Note that a later church wedding took p lace at the Lutheran Church in Roddenau on 7th September, 1851. The Pub lic Register wedding was a requirement introduced into Germany by Napole on some years ealier.

EMIGRATION: Emigrated with family from Germany on sailing ship "La Ro chelle". The family departed Roddenau on 26 April 1862, boarded the shi p at Hamburg on 27 April and the ship departed the next day. Arrived Mo reton Bay 31 Jul 1862. Qld Land Orders No. 1072 of 1862 (54 Pounds) & N o. 670 of 1864 (36 Pounds) were both issued to Shipping Agent, Mr. C. H eussler to pay for the family's passage to Australia.

Caspar became a Naturalised Australian on 11 Jul 1864. (State Archive s SCT/CF2 952)

Caspar's occupations were "Ploughman/Farmer" and "Shoemaker". He starte d work in Queensland on a farm at Oxley Creek. Later on he kept a veget able garden at the place where the Fairfield railway station used to sta nd. It was in 1873 that he took up a selection at Kirchheim.

~ For most of his 42 years in Queensland, Caspar lived on the 81 acre pr operty at Kirchheim. Caspar paid 60 Pounds for the property. He reside d there until shortly before his death in 1904. The property was situat ed on the Warrego Highway - original Deed of Grant No. 24626 of 1873 re fers. (Note that prior to 1884, Kirchheim was known as "Walloon Scrub" . Caspar, along with other landholders, signed a petition requesting th e change of name in September, 1884.)
~ When Caspar died in 1904, the following obituary was published in a lo cal newspaper:

Mr. Caspar Schafer, a very old resident of the district, died at the res idence of his son-in-law, Mr. J. Finch, Moffat Street, on Thursday last . The deceased came to Queensland in the ship Laura Shelle (sic) in th e year 1862, and started work at Oxley Creek. Later on he kept a vegeta ble garden at the place where the Fairfield railway station now stands . He then took up a selection at Kirchheim, where he resided for the la st 32 years. He was 83 years of age, and leaves a widow and family of f our children. There are also 27 grand-children, and seven great grand-c hildren. The funeral took place at the Kirchheim Cemetery yesterday an d was largely attended. The Rev. J. Frank conducted the ceremony."

~ Caspar died "Intestate". His wife Elisabeth had to petition the Supre me Court to allow her to administer his estate, small as it was. See cop ies of relevant papers filed herewith.

Caspar was buried in the old Walloon cemetery. The site is unmarked. ( See attached plan)

Shared note

Note that Caspar and Elisabeth were married firstly at the registr y at the Town hall in the city of Frankenberg. This registry marriage w as a requirement in those days instituted by Napoleon, and this occurre d on 15 May 1851. Later, on 7 September 1851, they were married in th e Lutheran Church in Roddenau.